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6 Ways That Can Help You Make Your Gift Extra Special!

make your gift extra special

Yes, I know buying a gift itself is a lot of effort and you have got the best you could but handing it just like that is not enough! Trust me, when I tell you that little changes in how you give a gift make a lot of difference. It makes the moment so special that all your efforts are worth it! Let me share with you few tried and tested ideas that will definitely make your gift extra special 🙂

Connect It To Your Special Memory

They say it’s the thought that counts and I can’t agree more…There are so many memories we have with our loved one, buying a gift that reminds you of the memory can make it extra special. Something that you can laugh together, cherish together and something belongs to just you! The thought that connects to your gift makes it extra special. <3

A Special Handwritten Note

Handwritten notes never go out of style. It’s a beautiful way to express yourself, tell the receiver how amazing they are and they matter. For e.g. for birthday letter tell them how grateful you are when they are around or how helpful they have been this year and be thankful about it. This note will be as special as your gift and make your gift extra special.

Add A Handmade Touch To Your Gift

To me nothing makes me feel special rather than fact that someone has actually given his/her thought, time and energy in creating something meaningful for me. There is a certain charm about a personalized gift that can’t be expressed. While all gifts can’t be personalized but small improvisation here and there makes your gift super special! For e.g. getting a guitar as a gift is a sweet gesture but doodling over it with their name or favorite thing can just make the gift extra special and treasured forever.

Wrap it According to the Theme

This is not a secret anymore, beautiful gift wrapping can make anybody excited and make your gift extra special! But wrapping it according to your theme is what it counts. When you see Christmas gift the element used to wrap gives you extra Christmassy vibe or Diwali gift wrapped in a traditional way. The colors and elements used for gift wrapping speak volume about your gift and makes the receiver feel special.

Use your Picture Instead of Gift Tags

This one is something that I totally love! Instead of a gift tag how about printing an old photo or current of you two. Nobody prints photo these days but if you think about it we still love the old-fashioned printed photo more than just swiping them on our digital phone and this way they get to preserve one more beautiful token apart from your gift! This little change will definitely make your gift extra special.

Keep the Suspense On

Sometimes it is fun to build up the excitement for your gift just by teasing a little. Wrap your gift in multiple layer or box and put a different fun note for every time they open a new layer. For e.g., if you are gifting your sibling something you can write fun stuff like… I promise this is the last one and in next round say OPPS here I did it again! Or say this is your payback for things you stole for me… This can be a fun and memorable activity to make your gift extra special.

These details can go long way. Yes, it is little extra efforts but aren’t they totally worth it when you see your loved ones jumping with excitement seeing you present when you give them? Try these tricks to make your gift extra special and share your experience with me below in comment box!: 🙂

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6 ways that can help you make your gift extra special!
Little changes in how you give a gift make a lot of difference. It makes the moment so special that all your efforts are worth it! Let me share with you few tried and tested ideas that will definitely make your gift extra special
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